P女 發表於 2005-7-28 09:13:26



Suzuki 發表於 2005-7-28 12:45:03

Hi P女  I just join the Sky Hoilday (P&O) to Switzerland.  It is wonderful if you want to walk around by yourself.  They give you much more time to walk around for one place.  It dont like the others only 15 min to take the picture.

grassman 發表於 2005-7-29 00:00:59


dracula 發表於 2005-7-29 00:07:53



grassman 發表於 2005-7-29 00:13:09


bikbark 發表於 2005-7-29 09:24:49

suzuki honeymoon返o黎啦?!

Suzuki 發表於 2005-7-29 23:29:59

It is a good trip we can see a very beatuiful scenic.  However it is very hard for us!!  We just like 自游行!!  I will post some picture later !!

dick queenie 發表於 2005-7-30 08:21:50

Hi P女  I just join the Sky Hoilday (P&O) to Switzerland.  It is wonderful if you want to walk around by yourself.  They give you much more time to walk around for one place.  It dont like the others only 15 min to take the picture.

恭喜你哋新婚之喜... :D


leemoksau 發表於 2005-7-30 10:02:38

Re: 去西歐跟邊間旅行社好?


98年跟過 當時歐洲團係鐵行o既強項. 不過近年好似轉咗搞大陸團為主. 上次(幾個月前)我報西葡團 明明報果陣時話成咗團 點知第二日又打電話嚟話取消咗 等我空歡喜一場. :evil:

你可以試吓捷旅. 我未跟過 但係上次團友話好好.

Jess and Burns 發表於 2005-7-30 10:05:14

Hi P女  I just join the Sky Hoilday (P&O) to Switzerland.  It is wonderful if you want to walk around by yourself.  They give you much more time to walk around for one place.  It dont like the others only 15 min to take the picture.

返來啦. 幾時約去睇相呀?
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