andy and phy 發表於 2005-6-9 12:22:29


因為唔夠派 仲爭一部份 請問各位會唔會有餅咭出讓?

Andy & Phy

sunday 發表於 2005-6-10 23:00:56


大眼仔_米餃 發表於 2005-6-11 01:07:34

how many you want?

andy and phy 發表於 2005-6-13 15:30:15

我想要大約15-20張 最好係美心啦

sunday 發表於 2005-6-13 16:47:04

my 7 Maxim's cake cards you need or not just reply please thanks.

andy and phy 發表於 2005-6-14 01:21:48

my 7 Maxim's cake cards you need or not just reply please thanks.

hi sunday

7張都好呀 咁幾錢一張?

andy & phy

sunday 發表於 2005-6-14 16:39:07

Please call 9xxxxxx8.

Billy 發表於 2005-6-14 18:20:25


Tomato 發表於 2005-6-14 19:53:21

sunday 因為保安理由 我已經將你個手電pm左比andy & phy 而且用左xxx代替 希望你唔好介意!!........呢個世界好多壞人0架 所以要小心d呀 8)

H and H 發表於 2005-6-14 20:24:55

sunday 因為保安理由 我已經將你個手電pm左比andy & phy 而且用左xxx代替 希望你唔好介意!!........呢個世界好多壞人0架 所以要小心d呀 8)heeheee 呢個版主真係做得好稱職0架嘖 :lol:  :lol:
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