Jess and Burns 發表於 2005-4-6 16:49:27


好像都頗多藍澄友會為工司出trip .唔知你地幾耐會出一次trip 呢?


Hotcake 發表於 2005-4-6 17:19:40

我每個星期一至兩次 每次stay一晚 絕大部份都是廣東省範圍內.  咁近 算唔算出trip呢?

grassman 發表於 2005-4-6 18:04:46


FireFire 發表於 2005-4-6 20:11:22

Must go Apr/Oct for half month every year and the rest will decided by myself should be 1 month approx. 2 times but sometime no need :)

Actually I'll be more happy when working out of HK since nobody know how many hours I worked and I can have my personal time to shopping around if I finish my work earlier :)

I quite enjoy when travelling south east asia but not really enjoy to China heheh....

Tomato 發表於 2005-4-6 20:36:02


如無意外 出年終於有一次出trip ge 機會......應該係祖國唔知邊一到.....

FireFire 發表於 2005-4-6 20:46:48

如無意外 出年終於有一次出trip ge 機會......應該係祖國唔知邊一到.....
其實辛苦在舟車勞動....如果自己出trip就悶dd 但好自由..... :em04:

Jess and Burns 發表於 2005-4-7 10:38:03

其實出trip 唔係咁辛苦.

但出完trip 會有一大堆工作等著做. 就好辛苦.  :dead:

dracula 發表於 2005-4-7 10:56:12

其實出trip 唔係咁辛苦.

但出完trip 會有一大堆工作等著做. 就好辛苦.  :dead:

出 trip 辛唔辛苦就要睇下做 d 乜~
我就鍾意出 trip 因為冇咁悶~

yo and lok 發表於 2005-7-19 02:17:14

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