grassman 發表於 2004-11-25 19:46:54


我買左部42" Plasma,但執漏期間唔想放o係間屋到,驚唔見或整爛。 唔知RC儲物櫃有幾大,放唔放得落呢? :?:

公公婆婆 發表於 2004-11-25 20:48:02

:lol: 係喎!好提議!有幾大?同埋收費幾多?

PT 發表於 2004-11-26 02:04:11

迷你:1.5' (W) x 2' (D) x 3.4' (H)
標準:1.5' (W) x 2' (D) x 5.3' (H)
珍寶:2.8' (W) x 2' (D) x 5.3' (H)

Suzuki 發表於 2004-11-26 12:27:15

Re: 儲物櫃有幾大?

我買左部42" Plasma,但執漏期間唔想放o係間屋到,驚唔見或整爛。 唔知RC儲物櫃有幾大,放唔放得落呢? :?:

Ask the shop don't delivery to RC until your house is ready. Usually they can help you to keep in warehouse for 2 to 3 months..

SEVEN 發表於 2004-11-26 13:22:40

係晤係要比錢租用定管理費包埋 ?

Hello Kitty 發表於 2004-11-26 13:27:27

Yes of course. For details you can call EMO.

SEVEN 發表於 2004-11-26 15:17:56

又係要比錢 !

vivian 發表於 2004-11-26 15:19:57


Robert 發表於 2004-11-26 18:24:11

連櫃內的層板都係另外計算 $$......


grassman 發表於 2004-11-26 20:54:05

Re: 儲物櫃有幾大?

我買左部42" Plasma,但執漏期間唔想放o係間屋到,驚唔見或整爛。 唔知RC儲物櫃有幾大,放唔放得落呢? :?:

Ask the shop don't delivery to RC until your house is ready. Usually they can help you to keep in warehouse for 2 to 3 months..

This is special offer price.  But it require delivery befor 11/30.  So no choice!
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