Robert 發表於 2004-10-25 13:55:28


朋友會在怡東酒店擺酒,要成$8000大元一圍 :em07: :em03:

bikbark 發表於 2004-10-25 14:36:03


SEVEN 發表於 2004-10-25 14:37:05

差晤多啦 ! 一生人一次喎 !

candidfoto 發表於 2004-10-25 16:00:41

So what is the proper amount to give to a former co-worker's wedding is it still $500?

Jess and Burns 發表於 2004-10-25 17:31:01

差晤多啦 ! 一生人一次喎 !

SEVEN  你好勇呀~ 夠胆咁同你男朋友講~~~

我就唔夠胆啦~我驚BURN BURN 話:

不如我地冷靜下先~~~  :em02:

咁我就.  :em06:

Billy 發表於 2004-10-25 17:35:49

So what is the proper amount to give to a former co-worker's wedding is it still $500?

It depends on where it take place.
Normal restaurant I will pay $500 very good friend $1000.
Hotel will be $800 very good friend $1200.

榮仔 發表於 2004-10-25 18:29:09

So what is the proper amount to give to a former co-worker's wedding is it still $500?

It depends on where it take place.
Normal restaurant I will pay $500 very good friend $1000.
Hotel will be $800 very good friend $1200.

有d hotel 都係$3xxx咋,不過可能好多另加收費 :)

grassman 發表於 2004-10-25 18:35:12

Re: 酒席$$$

成$8000 一圍都捨得,都唔志在你做幾多人情la!

Pooh Pooh 發表於 2004-10-25 20:05:39

Re: 酒席$$$

成$8000 一圍都捨得,都唔志在你做幾多人情la!

對呀,我有同事在港麗請親戚,另在半島請朋友同事,你估要幾錢一圍?明知收唔到本啦..............    不過我只覺得佢地好富貴 :lol:

FireFire 發表於 2004-10-25 20:41:13

唔知迪士尼樂園 擺酒要幾多$$$呢?
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