Garrick 發表於 2004-9-21 23:41:10

爛地停車場月租? 謝謝

你們有沒有租爛地停車場?月租是$600嗎? 有任何問題嗎?

dragon 發表於 2004-9-21 23:53:19


532 發表於 2004-9-22 01:55:09


dragon 發表於 2004-9-22 02:10:53


Tang see 發表於 2004-9-22 19:38:22


Billy 發表於 2004-9-22 23:13:23

The parking fee long time ago (Before RC people move in at about april) is only $200. When I first time park the car is already $300 (1 of July).
August is $400 last mouth is also $400.

They said the parking fee depends on when you are join the car park. You join earlier the parking fee is less.


Garrick 發表於 2004-9-23 00:24:08

ah the Augest is $400 and Sept is $600? so next month is $800? are they crazy?

dragon 發表於 2004-9-23 00:58:51

我八月租已經係$600喇!  -_-

Patrick 發表於 2004-9-24 13:18:12

The parking fee long time ago (Before RC people move in at about april) is only $200. When I first time park the car is already $300 (1 of July).
August is $400 last mouth is also $400.

They said the parking fee depends on when you are join the car park. You join earlier the parking fee is less.


exactly i got the same situation with u

whitea4 發表於 2015-5-21 16:41:05

1座對出下月加到$1200 :Q
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