grassman 發表於 2010-2-11 23:32:25


本帖最後由 grassman 於 2010-2-14 09:26 編輯

My friend looking for an opposite team at 初3(16/2)在青衣公園3-5p.m.,有興趣踢場賀歲波請即覆.  Thanks!

OK: grassman, Chee, Eddy, Vincent,

TBC: 肥度, Epson

The match is confirmed.
We will join with my other friends to form a team.

The opposite team is the one which we met several times (Kwai Fong Church).  They are an easy team for us.

See you at playground..   Happy New Year!

肥度 發表於 2010-2-12 12:00:35

TBC : 肥度

chee 發表於 2010-2-12 21:50:37

thanks grassman

Eddy Lam 發表於 2010-2-13 17:31:09

我應該得喎... 晏少少confirm你

vincent 發表於 2010-2-14 01:55:22

1. grassman
2. Chee
3. Eddy(晏少少confirm你)
4. Vincent
5. Espon( 佢好以話得,等佢自己覆)


grassman 發表於 2010-2-14 09:21:42

Dear all,

Thanks your fast respond.

The match is confirmed.
We will join with my other friends to form a team.

The opposite team is the one which we met several times (Kwai Fong Church).

See you at playground..   Happy New Year!

EpSon 發表於 2010-2-15 00:10:37

I am OK. ^^

grassman 發表於 2010-2-15 00:52:49

Welcome back, General!

肥度 發表於 2010-2-15 16:32:57

Sorry .. .去吾到了.....

Eddy Lam 發表於 2010-2-15 17:04:24

我confirm ok呀
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查看完整版本: 初3(16/2)在青衣公園3-5p.m.有個場