DorDor 發表於 2009-5-24 23:35:08

open car park next to RC

My car's front cover was scratched seriously recently. I have been advised by the guard in the open car park that many dogs (in groups) appear in the car park during mid night.

diedsee 發表於 2009-5-25 13:08:37

我見唔到狗 但我見到災情嚴重

濠仔 發表於 2009-5-25 13:53:08

災情嚴重??? :em07:

DorDor 發表於 2009-5-25 17:43:01

You cannot discover the the scratch bcoz it's rainny this week. Try to check carefully you will see many scarches on the car.

一家四口 發表於 2009-5-25 19:36:28

真係似係D狗攪出嚟咩? 佢地無端端做咩會突然攪D車既 係咪發生咩事 至會攪到佢地有咁既舉動呢?  :detective

其實如果D狗係車場既 佢地要負責?
如果D狗係流浪狗 咁車場做咩比佢地入去既 唔係圍住晒既咩?

架車花晒 就真係肉都尺埋既。

濠仔 發表於 2009-5-25 22:14:53

頭先同個朋友傾開...佢tko 個埸都試過!!!
係d 野9 打交.....打得激烈.....打唔中果下咪"發"左落部車度囉!!!!
d車真係好慘 :em06:

DorDor 發表於 2009-5-25 22:19:11

1 to 2 weeks beforewe have already found some dog foot mark (with mud) on the car cover.   .............................

DorDor 發表於 2009-5-25 22:25:22

can we complain to 漁 農 署? to catch 流浪狗?

濠仔 發表於 2009-5-26 02:27:26

can we complain to 漁 農 署? to catch 流浪狗?

可以打1823 問下

annieannie 發表於 2009-5-26 10:11:09

果個車場最少有10只流浪狗呀,我上次見到成群追一只呀! :em05:
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